Outhouse, Route 66

We were on another of our many trips to California, travelling across the southwest states along Route 66. We always visited the Grand Canyon north of Flagstaff on our trips On that route are many long stretches of desert. The only places to get gas and something to eat are Anishinabe souvenir shops, […]
Kopi Luwak

My favourite movie is “The Bucket List” starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Soon both will die, so Jack, who is rich, talks Morgan into flying around the world with him to do wild things, like sky diving, before passing from this world to the next. Jack is a coffee aficionado. Everywhere they go his […]
On Safari in Kenya

After Diane died, my friend Godfrey Mawejje said I should go to Uganda to teach kids in his Kalagala school how to play music. I thought that to be a good idea. My daughters heard about it and took the plan to great heights. They organized a family tour to Uganda. Lara built a website […]

After travelling through Europe and living in Spain half a year in 1965, I travelled through West Africa. My destination was Nigerian Youth Camp. I was going there at the invitation of Katherine Dyck, a friend of the family, a missionary sponsored by the Mennonite Brethren Church. Miss Dyck went to Africa at age 20 […]
Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is one of the Wonders of the World, a long incision into Mother Earth along the Arizona portion of the Colorado River. Throughout foreign countries it is known by visitors as one of the places that must be seen when touring the United States. For North Americans it is a mecca, a […]

I owned an old ’49 Studebaker back in the days when I attended college in San Jose, California. I call it old because even back then it was close to being a collector’s item because the company closed in 1966. But during the time I owned the car it served me well. Most notable. During […]
Amsterdam Xmas

I was in the Amsterdam Youth Hostel sitting in the guest lounge. It was Christmas Eve in the mid-60s. One other person was there. We introduced ourselves. His name was Keith Tinker. “I’m from Canada. Where are you from?” I asked. “Scotland,” he said. It was a standard introduction for knapsacked students travelling through Europe […]