
Like his sister, Max was born on the couch in the front room of their home in Charleswood.

At 11 years old, he’s already a good conversationalist far beyond the level of other boys his age. He gets it from his mother. Together they deliver honey and talk with people, Rebecca and Max talking with customers, Max learning the art of PR.

He does well in school and gets along just fine with his friends. He enjoys having them over for parties to lounge in the hot tub or bounce on the trampoline.

Music is part of his life as well, thanks to encouragement from his mother. One winter they rented an electronic bass guitar which Max would strum while putting his head back and singing the blues just like a professional.

Now he plays, and likes, the mandolin.

He enjoys going to the Sandy Lake farm where his Dad Wayne grew up, sometimes with the whole family and sometimes with just his Dad. No end to activities there, riding the quad, discovering treasures in the old house, picking blueberries in season and eating well.

His grandparents have moved off the farm to a suite in Brandon, but Mikey and Nikki now live in the farmhouse taking care of the yard and managing the traffic of neighbours who rent land from his Grandpa Laurie Lewindosky.

Movies make up much of the family’s evening entertainment. I’ll bet Max has seen every Christmas show for kids.

Their dog Rosie is a good reflection of the family, loving and cuddly, Max being the first to put his arms around her neck and pet her.

He has become at his young age a vegetarian because he does not like the idea of eating meat from an animal that had to be killed. He is sensitive to the environment and loves reading about animals in their habitat in foreign countries.

Who knows what limitless horizons stretch out before Max. Like his mother says:

“He’s a keeper!”

I am proud to be his Grandpa.

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