Cousins IV

We come from a town

Where we were all cousins

Mennonite parents

Kids by the dozens


All were Mennonite

Through and through

Jacobs found Annies

Who said “I do.”


Abrams found Liesbets

Way across town

Weddings in church

Such beautiful gowns


Then along came Anitas

Anne-Shirleys, Eileens

Names in that town

Before never seen


 The eyes of the men

Were opened wide

With spouses not Mennonite

Close at their side


The world in that town

Got bigger and better

Horizons widened

With little jetsetters


Perspectives grew

Beyond limitations

Of ethnic culture

And church salvation


That little town

Grew into a city

Boundaries spread

We all got more witty


New Aenglaenda came

New food, new jokes

Orange crush in bottles

Gave way to canned cokes


So now you know

Metamorphoses seen

All just because

Don married Eileen


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